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Sixth Asian Games, Bangkok 1970 ... Unknown designer 480
Loterie Nationale - Prix du Jock... Bernard Villemot (1911-1989) 175
Challenge Round de la Coupe Davis A.M. Cassandre 225
Ski in France - 'Lady Skier' Abel 75
Euro 84 Paris - Parc des Princes Michel Granger 150
Cycles Continental de Zanardi 300
The 26th World Table Tennis Cham... Unknown designer 1200
Cycles Desaix Anonymous 80
The New Standard - Wimbledon 140
Roland Garros '85 Jacques Monory (1924-2018) 140
Roland Garros 92 Jan Voss 50
Kieler Woche 1953 - Kiel Week Sa... Ernst Irmler 120
Munich Olympic Games 1972 - Hurd... Photograph by Albrecht Gaebele 180
Munich Olympics - Horse Riding 1... Photograph by Gerry Cranham 180
Munich Olympics - Swimming 1972 Photograph by Herbert Graaf 180
Munich Olympic Games 1972 Allan D'Arcangelo 90
Munich Olympic Games 1972 Piero Dorazio 90
Munich Olympic Games 1972 Alan Dave 90
Atlanta Olympic Games - America ... Dong Kingman (1911-2000) 40
Sydney 2000 Logo Poster 001 - Co... Issued by FHA Image Design 35
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games - "Let... Ken Done 50
Sydney 2000 Poster 004 - Collect... Lynda Warner 35
Sydney 2000 Olympic Games - Coll... Andrew Hoyne 35
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