You Only Live Twice, US original release one sheet (1967)
Robert McGinnis (b 1926)
Interestingly, if one inspects the image to the left of the gyrocopter wheel, there seems to be a long tear running vertically. However, this is not in the poster but in the artwork file, and one can find the same issue when viewing other copies of the same poster. Today this would be fixed in Photoshop, but not in the 1960’s.

Pays Basque - Soci... Auguste Durel (190... 200

The East Asiatic C... Sten Heilmann Clau... 320

Isle of Man for H... P. Chisholm 600

Pan Am - Now Direc... Jean Carlu (1900-1... 450

The Orient from Se... Unknown Artist 800

Hampton Court - En... Derrick Sayer (191... 125

Compagnie des Mess... David Dellapiane 1800

Messageries Mariti... Albert Brenet (190... 125