Octopussy, US Style B Advance format poster (1983)
Daniel Goozee & Renato Casaro
Artist: Daniel J. Goozeé & Renato Casaro
This is the US Style B Advance poster for the 1983 James Bond film starring Roger Moore, memorably set in in some of the most enchanting parts of India.

Sailors on Shore L... Yau Leung Open Edition 250

The Sun Spends the... Jacques Dubois (19... 275

Compagnie Générale... Paul Colin (1892-1... Editions "Transatl... 450

Compagnie Générale... Paul Colin (1892-1... 480

Philippine Air Lin... van Heerden & Gene... 280

Messageries Mariti... Herve Baillé 450

L'Extreme Orient p... Andre Herviault 1250

Société Nationale ... Unknown Artist 450