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The Vietnamese People will Definitely Win; The American Empire Will Lose (1972)

Truong Hiêú

Hand painted
47cm x 75cm
Grade: B+, some surface and paint cracking. Unbacked.

The poster is signed at the bottom: "Hiêú 72" 

There is another example of this poster is in the book "Vietnamese Posters : The David Heather Collection" published in 2009, but that one has the background colour in turquoise. As these are hand painted posters, one can expect that more that one would be made but with minor variations in colour or output being quite possible. 


This is an original poster hand painted in gouache. Although, drawing on a long tradition of political propaganda posters from China, the USSR and back as far as 1930’s Germany, this Vietnamese poster employs a style and imagery drawn from more traditional Vietnamese paintings.

Posters were produced underground during the war at a time when artists and publishers would have had no access to printing presses and thus the only way to produce these posters was to hand paint them clandestinely, often on the back of other paintings or posters. Popular designs would be copied producing small batches of posters for fly-posting to embolden the local people in their fight against occupation.

As well as encouraging the people to win the war against the American occupiers, many of the posters from this era also promoted peace, supported education and encouraged advances in agriculture and industry.



The Vietnamese People will Definitely Win; The American Empire Will Lose

Stock No: G7157