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Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes - Australie Indo-Chine Océan Indien Méditerranée Brésil et Plata (circa 1910)
David Dellapiane
Moullot Fils, Marseille
Stone Lithograph
76.5cm x 106cm
circa 1910
Grade: B+, Very Good.
A very attractive and early poster promoting Messageries Maritimes, the leading French shipping company plying routes to the Far East . To the left is an Indochinese woman resting on the beach as one of the shipping company’s passenger boats steams past. The circular inset image at the bottom of the poster shows Istanbul, another important destination for the MM ships.
Condition: Linenbacked. Grade: B+, Very Good. A long restored tear running from bottom centre, short tear left side and a small infill to the right border. The linenbacking has been trimmed close to the edges of the poster (presumably before the poster was previously framed)
Condition: Linenbacked. Grade: B+, Very Good. A long restored tear running from bottom centre, short tear left side and a small infill to the right border. The linenbacking has been trimmed close to the edges of the poster (presumably before the poster was previously framed)