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FITKIN, Gretchen Mae

The Great River. The Story of a Voyage on the Yangtze Kiang
The Great River. The Story of a Voyage on the Yangtze Kiang The Great River. The Story of a Voyage on the Yangtze Kiang The Great River. The Story of a Voyage on the Yangtze Kiang The Great River. The Story of a Voyage on the Yangtze Kiang
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The Great River. The Story of a Voyage on the Yangtze Kiang (1922)

FITKIN, Gretchen Mae

Shanghai: North-China Daily News / Kelly & Walsh
First edition
Very Good Plus
First edition. Quarto, pp iii, v, 153. Illustrated with photographs by Donald Mennie. Introduction by Arthur Sowerby. Adventurous journey on the Yangtze in 1921 by a young American woman.

Taped into the front of the book is a two page manuscript letter on the letterhead of the British Woman’s Association, 12 The Bund, thanking ‘Mrs Thompson’ for her ‘kindly help’ with the activities of the Entertainment Committee, and gifting this book to her. Further on the half-title page is a gift inscription to the same recipient: “Victoria Thompson from Molly Terry, in memory of “The Great River” October 1929’. And below this is another, later ownership inscription “Michael Parks, Peking January 1982”. Parks was China bureau chief for the Baltimore Sun and LA Times and a Pullitzer Prize Winner.

In Very Good Plus condition. A scarce book with a storied past.


The Great River. The Story of a Voyage on the Yangtze Kiang

Stock No: B7868