Off The Wall
Norman de Brackinghe
9 - 24 December, 2014
Opening Reception:
Tuesday, 9 December 6pm-8:30pm
Norman de Brackinghe will attend the event and will give a short talk about his work and inspiration at 7pm.
The exhibition continues until Wednesday, 24 December, 2014
Picture This Gallery, 13/F, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Off the Wall is Norman de Brackinghe's latest collection of abstract expressionist photographs.Celebrating his 80th Birthday this month and the 10th Anniversary of his first solo exhibition of abstract photography has given de Brackinghe an opportunity to reflect on his photographic journey. Once more finding inspiration in the unnoticed beauty of decaying and distressed walls, he enchants us this time with a full spectrum of colours, from monochromatic moodiness to the dazzling intensity of his oranges, reds and yellows. Where once he regarded his images as accidental artistic expression and a search for de Stael, Rothko and Pollock in his distressed walls, today de Brackinghe seizes the initiative and focuses his camera on creating his own compositions, his own style, his own interpretation of abstract expressionism. The effect is more controlled and more considered, the outcome is captivating as de Brackinghe draws his audience into his universe.
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